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  • Writer's pictureJames Busuttil

Instagram Deep Dive

Tips on how to make the best use of Instagram

53 minutes per day – the time many of you might spend on your daily commute or preparing dinner. Many people also spend those 53 minutes exploring Instagram at the same time. Considering that around 1 billion people actively use the platform every month, it goes without saying that Instagram can be extremely beneficial for those who know the best way to use it.

To make sure that you’re making the most out of this opportunity, we have compiled some key advice that are guaranteed to lead to increased success:

1) Why you should activate your business profile

If you’re using Instagram as a real estate Agent, it makes a lot of sense to activate the business profile functionality for your account. This offers several advantages compared to the private profile:

  • You will gain access to Instagram Insights, which gives you great information about your followers and the performance of your posts.

  • Additionally, a contact button will be added to your profile so potential customers can reach out to you directly.

2) How long should an Instagram post be?

The first three lines of your caption matter the most. The “theoretical perfect length” of the caption is 138 - 150 characters.

Technically it can be up to 2,200 characters long but most of your followers won’t read long descriptions. Try to write your descriptions as short and informative as possible.

3) When should you post an Instagram post

The best time to post obviously depends heavily on your target audience. Usually the best time is when you receive the most engagement. There are studies into what kind of content works best at what time and on which day of the week.

However, every target audience might be different and Instagram Insights offers a report where you can find out at which days and times your followers are the most active.

4) What content to post

It is recommended focusing on topics that are interesting and bring value to your target group. Be respectful to others and avoid political, religious, offensive, sexist or obscene messages.

General topics that work very well:

  • Everything that makes your brand “touchable” (that humanizes it)

  • Behind the scenes preparation of a listing for market

  • Anything that offers outsiders an inside look into your business

  • Fun and entertaining content

  • Valuable and easy-to-communicate content (e.g. quotes, great visual content, etc.)

  • Incentives and promotions (people love to participate)

5) How you can be "the expert"?

Focus on what is happening in your farming area and become the local guide. Try to put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Think about what they would be interested in if they were thinking about moving to your farming area. What could convince them to move there? What insider information might be useful to them?

Write about interesting or new places to go (e.g. restaurants, bars, parks, shops, markets, cinemas, schools, kindergartens, etc.), cultural occasions (e.g. events, concerts, festivals, etc.), sporting activities (e.g. hiking, running tracks, yoga studios, etc.).

Visit these events or places, and take part in local activities. Take some nice pictures and then post some great stories about your experiences. Be authentic and add your personal point of view when writing.

6) Which hashtags should you use in Instagram posts?

Hashtags are an essential part of Instagram. With the right hashtags you increase your exposure and gain access to very specific target groups.

You can find lists with the best real estate hashtags on the Internet:

But not all of them will apply to you or your farming area. It is recommended carefully selecting the right hashtags on an individual basis for each of your posts.

Expert tip: If you copy and paste your hashtags and re-use the same set every time, you won’t get the same exposure. Remember, Instagram favors individuality, so be unique!

  1. Always include hashtags about your neighborhood in all your posts about listings. Examples: #melliehahomeforsale, #melliehaapartments

  2. You can always use general real estate hashtags for your listings too. Examples: #realestatemalta, #listing, #remaxcentral, #remaxcentralacademy, #realtrainingrealestate

  3. It’s also always good to add top tags about listing details and features. Examples: #renovated, #eatinkitchen, #petfriendly, #maisonette, #bungalow

  4. Never forget your personal branding: Examples: #realtrainingrealestate, #joinremaxcentral

Focus more on your niche and avoid using the most popular hashtags with the greatest exposure as you will be lost unnoticed in the sea of posts. Do some research about the best hashtags for your niche, farming area or city online. Identify the most promising ones and test them out. Find the ones that drive the most interaction, engagement or followers, and then stick to them.

Don’t overdo hashtags. Using about 10 carefully selected ones is recommended.

7) The importance of engagement

One key element for success on Instagram is to engage with your audience. Remember to be authentic!

Comment on posts from others, show your followers who you are, give your opinion and use your knowledge to position yourself as the expert you are!

Long story - short

The visual nature of Instagram is perfectly suited for your beautiful listing pictures. Instagram is a powerful and free marketing tool that helps you build your personal brand. The only thing you need to invest is time. Work towards your reputation to become “the local expert in your farming area” and the leads will follow!

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